50-year reunion in 2023. The final reunion of the classes of 1972–75.
View above or click here for high-resolution YouTube version. This is the video shown at the gala 50-year reunion dinner in 2023. 15 minutes.
Visible from left in the photo taken on Day 1 at Mission Viejo: Jean Kersey in lower left, closest to camera; Dave Vander Haar, directly behind Jean; Kevin Hassett, on crutches; Jill Snyder, looking in notebook; Lori Egan, in striped dress; Sari Brenner, walking at right; and Dave De Lapp, far right.
Also, the 48-minute silent carousel of unedited photos can be seen here. This video was also played in the background at the reunion dinner.
45-year reunion in 2019, classes of 1972–75. 6 minutes.
40-year reunion in 2014, classes of 1972–75. 8 minutes.
35-year reunion in 2009, classes of 1972–74. 5½ minutes.
30-year reunion in 2004, classes of 1972–74. The video shown at the reunion dinner. 9 minutes.
The 30-year video features yearbook and student newspaper photos from 1970 to 1974. If you wonder what you are looking at, Teri Wintercorn Sorey produced this excellent locator photo of summer 1970 Irvine.
Visit the 1972–74 reunion committee’s Facebook page.
See the spring musical program for “Guys & Dolls”
This site maintained (but no longer updated) by Walter Baranger (’74)
Last maintained 07-Mar-2025